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Nel futuro di Behringer c'è in progetto una DAW

"It’s now official. We will be creating our own Music Tribe DAW. This is a massive undertaking, which will take at least 18 months and for that purpose we have now assembled a large development team. Our Music Tribe DAW will also include samples and VST’s plus connections to third party VST’s. Our goal is to include the very best features available, including multiple user interfaces for both recording and DJ. We would love to develop this together with you and hence encourage you to share your preferred platforms and features so we can consider your input. Our opportunity is that we have no legacy platform to maintain, which will allow us to think “blue sky” and combine the “best of all worlds”.

Best of all, the DAW will be FREE of charge! Our goal is to empower all musicians to record, mix, edit and publish their music.

As always thank you so much for all your support and loyalty."

Con questo post comparso qualche giorno fa sulla pagina Facebook, Behringer preannuncia uno dei progetti a cui sta lavorando. Si chiamerà Music Tribe DAW e sarà pronta entro la fine del 2021 come la prima digital audio workstation del marchio tedesco; comprenderà sample, plug-in proprietari con la possibilità di caricarne di terze parti. Includerà diverse interfacce utente adatte sia a DJ che a producer per il recording e il mixing. Ultima caratteristica ma da non sottovalutare Musice Tribe DAW sarà totalmente gratuita.

In attesa di novità riguardo alla nuova DAW di Behringer potete fare un giro nel nuovo portale di compravendita strumenti musicali del brand tedesco Music Tribe Market Place anch'esso gratuito per tutti. Lo trovate cliccando qui.




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